Thursday 28 September 2017

Target audience: instagram.

This is an INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT I have created to show a typical representative of our target audience:

Our target audience listen to pop music and artists like Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, MileyCyrus, Dua Lipa e.c.t. We would try to create a star, using similar genre conventions to address our target audience.

Due to liking such type of music our target audience are probably creative, open-minded people, who like to dream, beautiful things, fancy goods, love stories and all that kind of stuff. We would show these in our music campaign: use bright colours, beautiful things, focus on the artist's pretty looks in order to meet the needs of our audience. 

Also, being teenagers, they are probably very driven by new trends and fashion that their role models put forward. So, they would try to copy their style in fashion, make-up, their hobbies or even the fancy way they post pictures on their Instagram page. That's why we would create social accounts for our star to increase her popularity.

Overall, our target audience - GIRLS 14-16 YEARS OLD -  are typical young, naive girls, who are only learning how to use make-up and flirt with boys ^-^

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