Friday 29 September 2017

How would we attract ourtarget audience?

Music industry is all about making money. 

How much money you make depends on how well you promote your star. In order to create a successful marketing campaign for your music video and for the artist itself you have to do two things:

1. Identify your target audience

2. Address it appropriately

The target audience we chose for our star is girls 14-16 years old, because at that age teenagers are more likely to get influenced by music and artists, as they are looking for role models outside of family, which they can look up to and copy their style.

Another question is - how to address the target audience to make them interested in a new start and her artwork?

It might be helpful to refer back to the Dyer's star theory and some of his ideas:

1. Star should be simultaneously present and absent for the consumer.
This means that a star should both try to be away from the audience, so that they want to follow her social network accounts and buy her concert tickets. However, at the same time, she should communicate with the audience in some way, so that they feel as part of her art and life.

2. Star should be simultaneously ordinary and extraordinary for the consumer.
This means that a star should appear for the audience at the same time as 'one of them', so that they feel they have something in common with a famous star, which is always exciting. At the same time, she should be extraordinary in some way (looks, very expensive car, e.t.c), so that the audience want to be her and to be like her, which sells her art.

While creating our star and a marketing campaign for her music we will rely a lot on the Dyer star theory, by doing things like: choosing a pretty girl singer, creating a USP for her, making fancy music video, which will help us to establish her as a new artist and address her target audience of 14-16 years old girls, who are already fans of similar artists like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande.

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