Wednesday 25 January 2017

Similar products: video games.

In the process of finding similar products to our thriller - I've also looked at games.
Overall, there are a lot of female characters in games - both protagonists and antagonists - and most of them represented as smart strong women, who don't need help of men, which is similar to our lead villain. 

On the other hand, most female characters in games are extremely oversexualised even when males from the same game are dressed normally.

Just compare the outfits of male and female characters from Mortal Combat! How is Ivy even supposed to fight in that?

Other examples of women being oversexualised in games:

Lara Croft from 'Tomb Raider':.

Kasumi from 'Dead or Alive 5'.

Quiet from 'Mental Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain'

This simple short research shows that even when people want to create a strong, independent female character - they still make her sexually attractive so that more people want to watch a film with her or play a game. Good for us we didn't do it.

However, I appreciate there are still many and many strong female characters in games, which you can look up too.

Personally, my fav female character in games is - Sarah Kerrigan. 
She is a strong character, confident in herself. She also wears normal army suit:)

She becomes even more beautiful after the reborn. Which is kind of what happens to the female character in our thriller (apart from being infested by the Zerg Swarm, of course), but she starts new life!

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