Wednesday 15 February 2017

Name for thriller: how to create?

For now we have 50 different titles for our thriller and we have to choose one. 
The film's title may become a unique selling point or be the reason why nobody wants to see our product, so we have to think carefully about it.

In order to have a better understanding of how film titles are created I've looked through some of the articles and videos online to see what works well in creating the name for your film:

1. The shorter your title - the better. If your title is too long it's less likely people will remember it.

2. The title must reflect or hint the genre of the film, so that your audience instantly knows what the film is about.

3. Title is NOT an artistic statement, but a selling point of your film.

4. You will never be 100% happy about your title and THIS IS OKAY, it will always feel something is not quite right. And why shouldn’t it? You are reducing 100 pages of story to a single word of phrase.

5. Check the titles ‘Goolgeability’ with the Google keyword tool. How many people actively search for that word of phrase each month? These metrics are important.

6. Don't try to be clever while choosing your title, leave it to the rest of the film. Titles should be straightforward for the audience, otherwise they will just move on, not interested in your film.

7. The title should infer the central conflict of the film, because this is what the audience is looking for.

8. Be careful with copyright - search the title you are willing to choose online to see whether film with the same title already exist.

9. Use simple language. Your title should be equally understandable for all viewers, especially if you are planning to make a worldwide release.

10. Lastly, choose the title you really like. How can you expect your audience to like the title if you don't like it yourself?

To summarise, there is a video, where guy is talking about important tips for creating a movie title:
'Say something about the movie, without saying too much'

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