Friday 9 September 2016

Tension within Thriller.

Scary-scary homecoming.

I've picked this thriller because I really got the 'tension' feeling building up inside me during watching the sequence.
First of all, I really like the idea that the whole video is made as one shot, what creates a real sense of somebody "coming home" and seeing all the mess left be the guy who lived in there - no cropping, no editing had been done to the clip. Also the camera is smoothly moving around, imitating what eyes would do - catching every little detail - the bowl with rancid food, rotted fruits, different pictures on the wall.



It makes you feel that everything in that flat was left unfinished, and a long time has passed since then. Slowly, it encourages you to think, step by step, like putting a brick on a brick during building a skyscraper - that something is going totally wrong in there. You see the flat being in unusual conditions, it's unnatural for somebody's home to be in such a state.
If you do not know it's a thriller sequence - you might get a feeling that it's just a messy person living in here, what makes you experience even a greater shock, when you see a dead body on the bed, when you realize you've been mistaking through the whole clip until the very end.

Another brilliant way how the directors of the thriller made us experience the tension -  is the absence of music, and the voice of the answerphone instead.

The pace and passion at which people from the answerphone speak increase through time as we are getting closer to the key to that mystery. At the beginning of the thriller the voice messages are soft like "your mom is worried about you", "you've missed our date, call me back ". But as we 'travel' through the flat and notice more and more clues to the outcome - the voice messages become more and more aggressive. Now we hear a woman screaming in her message, what makes us worried and feeling involved.
Finally, all this tension is released in the final seconds of the sequence. Suddenly we see the blood on the bed-sheet on the floor and the dead man all covered in blood, what looks so odd and so wrong in the atmosphere of a lovely house all filled with his belongings, nice family photos, etcetera.

Summing up, I really find the idea of this sequence brilliant. The tension is beginning to build in your mind subconsciously and then is released with the help of the voice messages that come along with the picture. Moreover, I think the way camera imitates the person and his eyes is done very well.

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