Wednesday 18 October 2017

Set: feedback from set designers.

Today we have met the set designers, that will build our sets for the music video. We pitched our idea to them and showed some photos. This is the feedback we received:

1) They said the red room for the first element is tricky, as there is no such thing as infinity roll in red colour. Instead, they said they might make it from some material or fabric, like the one used for making curtains. 

2) They said the bed in the third element would not look good in our idea, as we already have the sofas in the first element. They were more positive about filming her inside the sheets - it's simpler to do, but would look better on camera. They also suggested to stick the stick the sheets to the ceiling and film her from the top, almost at the bird's eye angle.

3) They said that for the first element it's better to have one sofa and just change the fabric from white to red when we need, rather than having two sofas. Also, the sofa should be big enough for her to stand, sit, lye on it. 

4) For the second element, we were told the bulbs might work, but it would be better to group them in one place, rather than spreading around the room. Also, for that element, we will need to have blinders if we want to make the dancers silhouettes.

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